8 Fun Ways to Practice Speaking


Name Ten

Player one thinks of a category (e.g., animals, colours, sports) and asks the player two to name ten items that fit within that category and times how long it takes them on their phone. Roles are then reversed. 

The player with the fastest time wins a point. 

This game helps with word-finding

Adjective Chain

Similar to the traditional I-spy game, players look around the room for an object to describe, then they make a sentence with one adjective (e.g., There is a large window to my left). The next player responds by picking a different comment that uses the original adjective (e.g. large) while adding a new one (e.g. My feet are large and wide). Next, the first player responds by dropping their original adjective (e.g. large) and making a sentence with the new adjective (e.g. wide) plus another. 

This game help with vocabulary building


Opposite Words

Player one and player two make a list of twenty words. Player one says his/her words aloud, one by one, to player two who states an opposite word. Meanwhile, a timer is set to see how long it takes player two to think of opposites for all twenty of player one's words. Next, the roles are reversed. 

The player with the fastest time wins the round. 

This game helps with word-finding and vocabulary development. 

Sound Focused Game

All players agree on a target sound for the game (e.g the S sound, the L sound, etc.) then players take turns in a pseudo conversation where they use the target sound as frequently as possible. Each player continues taking a turn until the players run out of new words to use. It might sound like this: 

Target: S

P1; So, I saw a super savory salmon steak on my saunter to work on Sunday. 

P2: Surprisingly, that super savoury salmon steak was sold to me for my Sunday supper with soup and salad. 

This game is helpful for accent and lisps (sound practice)


Commercial Games

Balderdash (Gameworks Creations 1984)

This game is helpful for grammar and vocabulary development

Funglish (Hasbro 2009)

This game is helpful for word-finding

Orijinz (Entspire, 2007)

This game is helpful for vocabulary development

Scattergories (Hasbro 2003)

This game is helpful for vocabulary development and word-finding