Posts tagged Roselyn Mathew
Apraxia Of Speech In Adults - Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment

Apraxia is a neurological condition, where a person is unable to do a task intentionally, even though they do not have any muscle weakness or incoordination. Apraxia is caused due to damage in the areas of the brain that are responsible for motor planning and motor execution. Because of this, people with Apraxia find it difficult to perform a task when instructed.  

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Pitch Related Voice Disorders - Causes And Treatment

Pitch is a component of voice that determines how high or low it sounds. It is an important feature that determines a voice. Generally, a feminine voice has a higher pitch and a masculine voice has a lower pitch. The pitch of a voice is determined by a number of factors which are: the size of the vocal folds, the size of the larynx, the muscles of the larynx and the number of times vocal folds vibrate while producing voice.

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