Gendered expectations and feedback influence our vocal presentations from a young age. When adults speak to children and assume their gender, they alter the pitch and tone of their voices.
Read MoreThere are many reasons to ditch gendered language. In this brief article I will give some examples of language to revisit and rationale, as we move toward a more inclusive society.
Read MoreSome people who are transgender/nonbinary use testosterone in order to change elements of their gender presentation. On occasion, someone who has been on testosterone for many years continues to be misgendered due to their vocal presentation. Why does this happen? Is there a way to make sure your voice changes with testosterone? How does vocal change occur, and why doesn’t it happen for all people?
Read MoreBeing misgendered can range from uncomfortable to unsafe. Correcting someone on the spot isn’t always an option. Here are some situation-specific tips for when it happens to you.
Read MoreFree yourself from the notion that your vocal characteristics are gendered. Imagine yourself, hear yourself, listen to yourself...
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